JXN Water
Priority Projects
JXN Water at Work
JXN Water is working hard to ensure all Jackson residents have reliable access to clean, safe drinking water and sewer services. JXN Water is working on 13 priority projects that focus on fixing the City of Jackson’s drinking water system and 11 priority projects focused on fixing the sewer system. That’s 24 projects in the works!
Water crews are fixing leaks and main breaks that waste the water you need and cause water availability issues. Since February 2023, we’ve repaired nearly 600 leaks and opened 400 closed valves to improve water flow through the system. Our water crews are also repairing problems that cause sewer overflows. We’ve come a long way and we’re not done!
See some of the work we’re doing below!
Priority Project Details
Drinking Water Priority Projects
- O&M Contract
Develop an operation and maintenance contract for all Jackson drinking water facilities to include the water treatment plants, the wells, the storage tanks, and the distribution system. Award the contract to a qualified firm of a period of not less than five-years with renewal options.
- Winterization of system
Complete all actions necessary to winterize all drinking water facilities and make them resilient to the impacts of freezing weather.
- Corrosion control
Complete the implementation of the Mississippi State Department of Health -approved corrosion control plan.
- Alternative water source plan
Develop a plan for emergency supply and distribution of potable and non-potable water if needed to meet water demand beyond the capability of the Jackson drinking water facilities.
- Distribution system study, analysis, and implementation
Develop and implement a plan to make the water distribution system resilient, sustainable, and reliable. Work will include the development of a computer model, analysis of alternatives, creating of an asset management system, and other actions that will lead to dependable delivery of water (volume and pressure) to all Jacksonians, all the time.
- System stabilization and sustainability plan
Develop a long-term financially sustainable plan for the Jackson water system that ensures clean, safe, and affordable drinking water for all of Jackson.
- SCADA system improvements
Improve the data available to control processes, manage and operate systems (to include the distribution systems) through new sensors, software, and other technology.
- Chemical systems at plants and wells
Modernize the chemical feed systems at the water treatment plants to ensure optimized chemical dosing through automation and flow paced dosing.
- Chlorine system improvements at O.B. Curtis
Improve the safety and operation of the chlorination systems at all water facilities.
- Intake Structure Repairs
Repair raw water intake facilities at O.B. Curtis and JH Fewell.
- Restore full performance and designed redundancy to all treatment processes at OB Curtis and JH Fewell.
Evaluate performance and restore redundancy at treatment facilities (J.H. Fewell and O.B. Curtis as applicable) unit processes and pumps
- Membrane system
- Raw water pumping and screening
- Oxidation basins
- Rapid mix
- Flocculation and sedimentation
- Sludge removal
- Filters
- UV
- Transfer pumping
- High service pumping
- Sludge assessment in all finished water storage facilities
Determine if there is any sediment in any finished water storage facilities and if so, develop and implement a plan to remove all sediment.
- Resilient power plan
Evaluate all water facilities for the need for emergency or redundant power.
Sewer Priority Projects
- Queens Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Rehabilitation of the sewers within the Queens Project Area 3-6 focusing on, but not necessarily limited to, dry weather Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) reduction and point repairs to address sewer line collapses.
- Emergency Sewer Failures
Complete cleaning and closed-circuit television (CCTV) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of the Emergency Sewer Failure locations
- Annual Sewer Cleaning & CCTV Contract
Contract for annual sewer cleaning and CCTV, and complete 100 miles/year. Coordinate this annual cleaning and CCTV work with the prioritized Service Request Investigations below.
- Investigate Service Request Locations
Contract an annual investigation of sewer issues coming from the 2,200 Service Request locations and coordinate cleaning and CCTV with the Annual Sewer Cleaning & CCTV Contract above.
- Mill Street Sewer Rehabilitation Project
Re-route 2,200 linear feet of sewer that crosses a railroad (RR) yard, where the sewer line has collapsed underneath the RR tracks. A new sewer line will be constructed around the RR yard and the existing sewer line will be filled with flowable fill and abandoned in place.
- West Bank Interceptor Rehabilitation
Complete the cleaning and rehabilitation of the West Bank Interceptor (WBI) for Project 6 Segment Phase (MH IT0118 to MH IT0136). This repair will address the low manhole that is believed to be a major contributing source of inflow during a river stage in excess of 26 ft. The project will also address any needed grouting work of the interceptor and manholes in the Country Club area of the WBI. Identify additional major river water inflow locations and defects causing significant volumes during a river stage above 26 ft. Develop and implement the repair plan, including a schedule of implementation.
- Savanna WWTP 100 MGD Peak Flow Wastewater Pump
Replace the 100 million gallons per day (MGD) Peak Flow Pump that discharges flow from the Influent Pump Station to the Stormwater Lagoon cells.
- Savanna WWTP Emergency Repairs/Replace Dewatering Equipment
Replace 54-inch line from inside Influent Pump Station to Headworks, replace return activated sludge (RAS) Pump # 2, and install permanent dewatering equipment to eliminate monthly cost for renting two belt filter presses.
- Savanna Peak Cell Lagoon Cells
Clean out the three peak flow lagoon cells at the Savanna WWTP.
- Trahon WWTP Rehabilitation
Conduct a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation and a Composite Correction Program (CCP) for the Trahon WWTP. Implement the CCP as schedule permits. Make immediate repairs to maintain operations as needed.
- Savanna WWTP Phase 1B Type 2 Improvements
Construct new septage/Fat, Oils, and Grease (FOG) receiving station, rehabilitate one screw pump at the Effluent Pump Station, add 6th secondary clarifier, add new dewatering equipment, add covered sludge storage facilities along with new waste activated sludge (WAS) storage tank, construct new gravity thickeners, address structural deterioration in Influent Pump Stations, and rehabilitate the 84-inch line from Sludge Lagoons to Pump Station.